COVID-19 Game Day Protocols for Players, Coaches and Spectators

updated January 4, 2022

COVID-19 Game Day Protocols for Players, Coaches and Spectators

Prior to the Game:

  • All players, coaches and spectators must complete a COVID prescreening self check and temperature check at home prior to leaving for the field. This prescreening self check shall include asking the following questions:
  • SELF CHECK: Coaches, players and spectators are prohibited from attending games if they meet any of the following criteria:

1. Current temperature of 100.4 or higher

2. Diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 5 days

3. Is sick with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (e.g. sore throat; shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fever of 100.4 or higher, chills, headache, sinus congestion, cough persistent and/or productive, joint aches and soreness, vomiting or diarrhea, and/or a rash) in the last 5 days.

4. Have taken a COVID test based on exposure risks or symptoms and are currently waiting for results (does not include randomized employer tests)

  • If any player, coach or spectator has been sick with or having symptoms of COVID-19, or has been determined to be in close contact with someone who has been sick with or having symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 5 days, DO NOT attend the match and notify your club ( for HYS families) and your coach.
  • Individuals who are considered high risk, or those who feel uncomfortable returning at this time, should STAY HOME.
  • Parents are responsible for reminding their players of their individual responsibilities before, during, and after the event.
  • Use the bathroom before you depart to the field.

At the Field:

  • Maintain 6-feet of social distancing at all times outside the field of play.
  • If arriving early, have your player wait in your vehicle until five minutes before their scheduled reporting time to allow the previous group time to exit and less congestion at the field.
  • To better maintain social distancing, spectators are STRONGLY recommended to wait in their vehicle until 5 minutes before kickoff to arrive on the sidelines.
  • Ensure your player uses hand sanitizer before entering the field and has it on the sidelines.
  • Spectators are PROHIBITED from entering the actual field of play before, during, and after the match.
  • Spectators are PROHIBITED from approaching referees.
  • Spectators must remain at least 6 feet from the field, and at least 6 feet from other spectators outside of their household.
  • No sharing of water bottles.
  • No handshakes, high-fives or hugs or other close-contact celebration.
  • Wearing masks at the fields outdoors in general is no longer necessary according to the CDC, with the exception of players/parents/spectators returning from isolation or quarantine in the 5-day window. Wearing masks is still recommended by the CDC for anyone with a compromised immune system or if social distancing is difficult to maintain in a large crowd.

After the Game:

  • Meet the player off the field of play (DO NOT enter the field) and limit congregating/socializing at the field while maintaining social distancing.
  • Do not leave any items at the fields.